Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mind Set

Two for one posting on Saturday I guess!
The reason for this one... the other day at 5:30am Jessica was having a discussion about positive affirmations. Well, yes {thought I} positive affirmations are good. Usually I think I am a pretty positive person and optimistic. Easy pacheezy.
Then I started thinking about it.
How often I make fun of myself to hide uncomfortable feelings.
Say, "just squeezing my fat a** by" and things like that.
Most often trying to be funny.... but at my expense.
It seems like I am either trying to be funny - or trying to hide (oh and right there I almost added a joke about how hard that is at my current size - see it's a habit now).

I'm thinking that's not such a good idea.

I'm thinking that for too long I have concentrated on the barriers and not the opportunities.

I'm thinking that's its too easy to say I can't:
"I can't or I'll hurt my knee...."
"I can't I have weak arms..."
"I can't I have no balance..."
Or the big one that everyone uses:
"I can't because I have no time..."

Time to focus on what I CAN do.
I can do pretty darn good following choreography in classes.
I like to walk and jog.
I can turn myself into a runner. Knee or no knee.
I can continue to improve.

What are your goals?
Writing them down makes them real.
Tell us... where do you want to see yourself fitness/health wise in the next month, 3 months, year?

I believe in you - you'll get there!
I will too!!! :)

Have a nice weekend!


Kristy said...

Jenny, I am very proud of you. Posting the picture and being positive. It's very easy to give me. I think we all feel that way at one time or another about something.

Glad you now have an on-going blog about your new quest! :)

SBDeb said...

Jen, You will do great!! You have already motivated me. After your posted that you were trying out for(and of course being chosen!!)the BL contest; I joined Planet Fitness with a friend. We have worked out from 5-6 AM every day for 2 weeks. Although I HATE getting out of bed at 4:30 in the morning (can you say Dark??), I feel good about starting my day being healthy. So see you were positive and it rubbed off on me, half way across the country!! Thanks!!
So far we've just been doing the treadmill, bike ,etc....but tomorrow we have our orientation to the weight machines. We plan half hour cardio and half hours weights. I'll keep you posted.

Miss you lots,

Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo! You are really sounding positive! There is a woman who has a website
the woman who runs it lost 100lbs and is a runner and motivational speaker. Her slogan ( and book title!) is No More Excuses. That is what you are sounding like.

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!

You go girl Kick some BL butt!!


P.S. another great book is, and its not a joke.... Slow Fat Triathlete by Jane Williams....very funny and relavant!