Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday Challenge #2

Today we played soccer!
It was indoor soccer, 3 v. 3. Pretty fun!!!

I watch so much soccer, it was a nice change to be able to participate in it.

Sadly though, for various reasons (some female related - but also because I lost so much last week) this week I only lost .2lbs and had to be eliminated.

There is a chance though to still get back into the competition on week 10 (i think it's week 10, I need to double check) and believe me after I am done being sad (I give myself one day for self pity) then I will rock it and do my best to be back in then and sneak up and WIN. Wouldn't that be the coolest!!! AND the really great thing is even if I don't win the competition, I will have won for trying.

So - it's all good!

But - today I am bummed. :(


Anonymous said...

Hey Jen

So sorry to hear you were eliminated, but you're being very healthy about it. I'm proud of you no matter what.

It would be the coolest for you to sneak back in it and win. I'm routing for you!


Anonymous said...

First, I am so sorry. That really stinks!

Ok now done with the pity party-You need to be like the people on the show, and lose even more weight than those still playing!!

You can do it girlfriend!

P.S. Danskin womens Triathlon Jersey Shore 9/09-what do you think????


Kristy said...

Hey, I finally found this blog again. Been very busy! Which is a good thing, right?

I am sorry to hear you were eliminated. But would love to help you celebrate if you win! :) It's all about losing to win...right!??

I'd love to hear an update....